Oracle: The Development Engine of the Blockchain World

oreword: On May 21, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin published an article titled "Don't Overload Ethereum's Consensus". The article states that it is against overloading external applications and protocols into the Ethereum consensus because it poses high risks to the ecosystem. Although it is low-risk to reuse verification nodes for other purposes (such as: the ultimate oracle , the re-pledging agreement represented by EigenLayer, etc.), trying to use the Ethereum social consensus to achieve the purpose of the application itself is high-risk and should boycotted. Therefore, Vitalik Buterin said that we should adhere to the minimalism of the blockchain, and be wary of application layer projects expanding the "scope" of the blockchain consensus to verify anything other than the core Ethereum protocol rules. This article focuses on the topic of language machines. . The "oracle " in Vitalik Buterin conception In Vitalik Buterin's article, t...